

启动 CSRF 中间件。


go get github.com/rookie-ninja/rk-boot/v2
go get github.com/rookie-ninja/rk-mux

CSRF 选项#

名字 描述 类型 默认值
mux.middleware.csrf.enabled 启动 CSRF 中间件 boolean false
mux.middleware.csrf.ignore 局部选项,忽略 API 路径 []string []
mux.middleware.csrf.tokenLength 生成的 CSRF Token 的长度 int 32
mux.middleware.csrf.tokenLookup 寻找 CSRF Token 的方法,请参考代码注释 string "header:X-CSRF-Token"
mux.middleware.csrf.cookieName CSRF cookie 名字 string _csrf
mux.middleware.csrf.cookieDomain CSRF cookie 的 Domain 名称 string ""
mux.middleware.csrf.cookiePath CSRF cookie 路径 string ""
mux.middleware.csrf.cookieMaxAge CSRF cookie 的 MaxAge(秒) int 86400
mux.middleware.csrf.cookieHttpOnly CSRF cookie 是否只支持 HTTP bool false
mux.middleware.csrf.cookieSameSite 描述 CSRF cookie 的 SameSite 模式。选项: lax, strict, none, default string default


1.创建 boot.yaml#

  - name: greeter
    port: 8080
    enabled: true
        enabled: true
#        ignore: [""]
#        tokenLength: 32
#        tokenLookup: "header:X-CSRF-Token"
#        cookieName: "_csrf"
#        cookieDomain: ""
#        cookiePath: ""
#        cookieMaxAge: 86400
#        cookieHttpOnly: false
#        cookieSameSite: "default"

2.创建 main.go#

// Copyright (c) 2021 rookie-ninja
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main

import (
  _ "embed"

// @title RK Swagger for Mux
// @version 1.0
// @description This is a greeter service with rk-boot.
func main() {
  // Create a new boot instance.
  boot := rkboot.NewBoot()

  // Get MuxEntry
  muxEntry := rkmux.GetMuxEntry("greeter")
  // Use *mux.Router adding handler.

  // Bootstrap


// Greeter handler
// @Summary Greeter service
// @Id 1
// @version 1.0
// @produce application/json
// @Param name query string true "Input name"
// @Success 200 {object} GreeterResponse
// @Router /v1/greeter [get]
func Greeter(writer http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  rkmuxmid.WriteJson(writer, http.StatusOK, &GreeterResponse{
    Message: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", req.URL.Query().Get("name")),

type GreeterResponse struct {
  Message string


  • 发送 GET 请求, 对于 GET 请求,一个新的 Cookie 将会返回。
$ curl -X GET -vs localhost:8080/v1/greeter
  < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  < Set-Cookie: _csrf=WyOJLwzhfUGAMDHglkuIRucdpalxolWg; Expires=Mon, 06 Dec 2021 18:38:45 GMT
  < Vary: Cookie
  < Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 18:38:45 GMT
  < Content-Length: 22
  {"Message":"Hello !"}
  • 发送 POST 请求,通过 CSRF 验证。
$ curl -X POST -v --cookie "_csrf=my-test-csrf-token" -H "X-CSRF-Token:my-test-csrf-token" localhost:8080/v1/greeter
> Accept: */*
> Cookie: _csrf=my-test-csrf-token
> X-CSRF-Token:my-test-csrf-token
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Set-Cookie: _csrf=my-test-csrf-token; Expires=Sun, 17 Apr 2022 12:41:46 GMT
< Vary: Cookie
< Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2022 12:41:46 GMT
< Content-Length: 27
{"Message":"Hello rk-dev!"}
  • 发送 POST 请求,携带非法 CSRF。
$ curl -X POST -v -H "X-CSRF-Token:my-test-csrf-token" localhost:8080/v1/greeter
> X-CSRF-Token:my-test-csrf-token
< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
< Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2022 12:42:27 GMT
< Content-Length: 114
{"error":{"code":403,"status":"Forbidden","message":"Invalid csrf token","details":[null]}}
